Monday, 1 February 2016

Ill Manors broadcast: TEDx lecture

What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.
His beliefs are that in the media and also through the government, many young people and those from a very dysfunctional background are treated negatively. They have a very poor image in the media and are stereotyped quite a lot in every day society. He believes that this is not right at all and as such is consistently trying to challenge these stereotypes and making people see that there is a positivity rather than all the negative perspectives. He believes this passionately as he is someone who also went through the same experiences as young people with dysfunctional backgrounds as he was kicked out of school. He talks about the stereotyping around people living in estates and the word "chav" as he believes that this has a very negative image and stereotype which he tries to challenge regularly.

Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?
The TEDx lecture is targeted at a young audience as well as the professional level audience. This is due to the fact that the content of the lecture focuses a lot on the lifestyle of young people and would very effectively attract them in order to check out his work and also watch the lecture, as he focuses more on the challenging stereotypes towards the youth especially in the media and the government. As he talks a lot about challenging the stereotypes of the media's perspective on young people, he would also be targeting the people that actually work in the media profession as he would intentionally be asking them to rethink their perspective and change their minds. He is trying to show everyone that the youth are not a negative group but there is a lot of positivity that should be focused on. I think this is relatively very similar to the audience of his music or film, as he consistently is trying to challenge stereotypes and make people see from a different perspective.

What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics? Read this summary of moral panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.
Plan B talks about how the dominant ideology of the media is that the youth have a very negative and stereotypical representation, which creates a very bad image for them in the media. He believes that this is not correct and something that should be challenged. In terms of Cohen's theory of moral panic, it shows how many people consider the youth as "folk devils" as they threaten the interests of a prevailing society. This would be accurate as in Plan B's views, the youth would be threatening the society and the media would be trying to cause the moral panic in order to help society prevail.

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