Sunday, 1 November 2015

Narrative: Narrative Theory YouTube clip Analysis

500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer is unique in the sense that it's narrative is not presented chronologically. In the movie, we don't go through the story in a linear perspective.

ENIGMA codes: In the trailer, the audience is left with many enigma codes such as, why does the girl break up with Tom? What happens afterwards and what happened between them to cause the break up?

ACTION codes: The audience could consider the action code could be when she breaks up with him.

Equilibrium: The equilibrium that we the audience see could be before Tom meets the girl and goes out with her.
Disequilibrium: The disequilibrium is the obvious and clear point where the girl breaks up with Tom as it creates a lot of complications for Tom and essentially changes him as a person.
New Equilibrium: The new equilibrium is when he tries to change and move one but has difficulty in doing this. This part is not shown too much in the trailer so it leaves it up to the audience as an anchor to try and watch the movie and find out.

The Villain: The woman could easily be both the Villain or The Princess.
The Donor and the Helper:  In this trailer, we see many friends helping Tom in his break up so we can see that they are the ones to help him resolve the disequilibrium.
The Princess: The woman could be the Princess but also it can be interpreted that she is not a typical Princess. It could also be interpreted that the Hero is in fact the Princess all along and that he has to save himself from the break up.
The Hero: Tom the main protagonist is the clear and apparent hero of the story.


ENIGMA codes: In the trailer, the audience is left with many enigma codes such as, who are the two main characters and why are they fighting? What are their motives and what are the reasons behind their binary opposition?

ACTION codes: The audience can see that the action codes of violence are presented when Fisk kills the man in the beginning of the scene.

Equilibrium: The equilibrium that we the audience see could be the calm state of the city and the generally setting.
Disequilibrium: The disequilibrium is the obvious and clear point where the first character (Fisk) kills a man to show violence and create disequilibrium in the natural order of affairs.
New Equilibrium: The new equilibrium is when we are introduced to the main protagonist Matt Murdock who is fighting for justice as a lawyer to try and "make the city a better place" and go against Fisk.

The Villain: We don't see him as the villain at first but it is Wilson Fisk shown at the beginning. He could also be the False Hero as his intentions are good but are immediately presented as bad after his actions of killing a man.
The Donor and the Helper:  In this trailer, we see many friends helping Matt but the most dominant ones are the Vicar and the blind old man who helps to train him.
The Princess: We could interpret that the princess that needs to be saved could be the city and setting itself as both the villain and hero talk about saving the city repeatedly.
The Hero: The main protagonist in this trailer is Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer.

Batman Arkham Knight

ENIGMA codes: In the trailer, the audience is left with many enigma codes such as, who is the masked person at the end with a gun to Batman's head? Is Batman going to survive? Will he be able to stop the threat of the Scarecrow?

ACTION codes: The audience can consider that the action code would be the arrival of Batman. This is generally very stereotypical of Batman in the sense that he has this grand entrance to save the day.

Equilibrium: We don't see an equilibrium, but rather we're immediately thrown into the disequilibrium.
Disequilibrium: The disequilibrium is when we see Gotham city in a state of panic because of the threats of the villains and riots.
New Equilibrium: The new equilibrium is present when Batman enters the scenario in order to "even the odds", he is fighting the villains constantly to bring a state of order and peace.

The Villain: There are many villains in this trailer, but the most significant one has to be the masked Arkham Knight at the end who clearly has the upper hand over Batman.
The Donor and the Helper:  We see the police commissioner helping Batman regularly in order for him to save the day.
The Princess: In this scenario, we could say that the city is the princess in need of saving.
The Hero: Batman is the stereotypical protagonist of the narrative.

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