Firstly, it is important to acknowledge the brilliant start you have made in Media lessons – your engagement and contributions to discussion and debate are impressive and appreciated. Your blog also reflects that engagement – the 50 Cent RBK advert analysis is excellent with particular insight in terms of dominant and oppositional readings.
EBI: My concern is that your blog is missing some work. Based on the high standard of everything I've seen so far, I'm assuming this is due to a lack of organisation rather than any deliberate attempt to avoid work. However, Media (the subject and the industry) is project and deadline-based and organisation is a critical skill. You’re missing your own advert analysis to go alongside the RBK advert and the institution work is also unfinished (summaries of the institutions we researched). Clearly we need to be aiming for the very top grade in A Level Media but you will need to manage workload to achieve that!
LR: Add the missing/incomplete work. Next, reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
Learner Response
I've thoroughly enjoyed my first month of AS Media. It's a subject that I always had a passion for and I definitely have fun in every lesson that I have.
I personally think that the piece of work for the MEST 1 blog that I think is my most strongest piece is the analysis of different adverts. I've also been able to use the ideas of dominant and oppositional readings which I thought were very interesting in the sense that it gives us an insight in every day media and how behind the scene, these techniques can affect the every day audience and in turn influence our perception of different things.
My weakest, I have to say is the Brand Values piece, as I feel like the values that I thought about, although are correct in my perception and relate to the brand, are vague to say the very least. I think breaking down something and really looking at something from the perception of a brand's marketing values is something that I might have to work on as I currently have trouble seeing from their point of view. I also think I need to work on my essay and analysis skills further and come up with a variety and range of ideas rather than just a few.